by Hamid Reza Fahimi Madjd @ May 15, 2008 #permalink
#1. Mohamadreza @ 2008-05-16 13:10:28
What a peacful spot, jealous of you :)#2. armin آ&A @ 2008-05-16 19:24:13
hi, ...yes ...harmony by different colors & things ...good captur & composition & title!!!#3. Arash @ 2008-05-18 11:45:38
Great contrast, nice harmoney Hamid ;) I like the shape of clouds and green color on bottom.#4. Arash @ 2008-05-18 11:51:59
Thank you for your comments on my blog Hamid. I remember too much good memories when I saw your photos from Tehran's mountains. Now I have only desert and desert. I missed mountains :(Good luck and keep on your good work.
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