by Hamid Reza Fahimi Madjd @ Jul 20, 2012 #permalink
Salabal north face, view from around Meshkin-Shahr
sabalan, mountain سبلان, کوه
#1. Mehdi @ 2012-07-24 21:59:48
Great photo.Sadly It is very hard to find a correct reference to the peaks names and their correct height. After comparing and struggling I think more or less they are:
Menareh(4700m) - Sabalan(4811m) - Heram1(4560m) - Heram2(4570) - Heram3[small needle behind saddle](4530) - Kasri(4560) - JanvarDaghi[small needle behind Kasri](4400m) - [last peak](3925m)
#2. Schahryar @ 2012-07-29 13:23:02
WOWW!! great :)Merci ostad az tabrik, ishala ke shoma hamishe salamo salamat bashi ... be omide didar
3 comment(s)